Huge Supplements and Jo Linder are teaming up to become an unstoppable force in the supplement space.
Who is Jo Linder?
Jo Linder, or Joesthetics, as he is known on Instagram, is a German fitness sensation and social media star, known for his ripped and aesthetic physique.
In his early days, Jo fell in love with training and the processes of improvement and betterment.
“All this pain and sacrifice makes us feel alive. Stay strong! Stay positive!”
His physique and passion for fitness grew hand in hand.
Jo shared his story, journey and advice along the way. He has since grown to over well over 500k subscribers on youtube and 7.7 million followers on Instagram. Here he shares his experiences and training advice.
“Law of attraction – believe to achieve. Think positive & believe in yourself and your goals and you will make it happen, bro. Cut out the negative people!”
Huge Supplements
Huge Supplements was created to bring all athletes around the world the newest supplements.
They only produce and distribute products that are backed by science and are genuinely beneficial for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.
Huge Supplements were founded in 2019 and is still a relatively new company in a competitive and explosively growing industry.
Their “vision is to provide serious athletes with properly formulated, innovative supplements that have been backed by science. Our products undergo extensive testing and research to make sure they deliver significant effects and results.”
If your goal is to build lean muscle, increase strength, or lose body fat, then alongside decent training and an intelligent nutrition plan, Huge Supplement products can help you accelerate the rate at which you achieve those goals.
They showcase many awesome athletes, just like Jo Linder, on their instagram page.
Training Tips from Jo Linder
Train like Jo with these excellent tips and tricks.
High Volume vs. Heavy Weight
Jo incorporates both of these training methods in order to fully exhaust his muscles.
More often than not, Jo will train with high volume. His workouts typically consist of many sets to maximise time under tension and hypertrophy.
However, Jo won’t always train like this. Sometimes he will train with extremely heavy weights, for lower reps and sets. This allows him new stimulus and strength gains.
Jo feels that this training split has helped him achieve the best results.
“How to train weak bodyparts – start your workout with the weak part. Improve mind-muscle connection, start with low weights, and slow reps to really feel the muscle & increase weight slowly, the better you feel your muscle work, the better the results.”
Jo Linder’s Push Workout
Here is a standard push workout from Jo.
- Bench Press, 3 pyramid sets, 12-8-5 reps
- Incline Dumbbell Press, 3 sets of 8 reps
- Chest Press Machine, 1 set of 12 reps
- Seated Barbell Overhead Press, 4 sets of 8 reps
- Standing Lateral Raises, 3 sets of 12 reps
- Triceps cable extensions, 3 sets of 12 reps
- Front Dumbbell Raises, 3 sets of 12 reps
Jo teaches that with enough consistency, you too can achieve your goals – whether that’s building an awesome physique, or anything else in your life.
Supplements and Training
Nutrition and supplementation are hugely important for augmenting your physical training and allowing you to stay healthy and improve your body and mind.
Here we will cover creatine, protein and pre-workout.
Check out the links below for where to buy the right ones for you.
Why You Need Creatine
Creatine improves performance in short, high-intensity events, for example sprints, lifting and explosive muscle building sets.
It also improves recovery and is popular with all strength, power and gym athletes. It is often used by bodybuilders to increase muscle volume.
Many athletes can benefit from the effects of creatine especially during strength cycles – when they want to improve maximal strength and power – and to improve intensity and speed for metcons and workouts.
Creatine enhances recovery and energy levels, allowing you to recover quicker and get back to your next training session or event as soon as possible.
Creatine is a nitrogenous compound and adults have around 80–130 g in their bodies. Every day about 1–2 % of this creatine is broken down and excreted and has to be replenished.
Creatine is created from amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. Synthesis takes place in the liver, pancreas and kidneys, and creatine is transported by blood to the muscles to perform its function. Enzyme creatine kinase transforms creatine into creatine phosphate (CP). Each day about 1–2 % of this is broken down and excreted, so it has to be replenished.
How much Creatine do I Need?
CP donates a molecule of phosphate to renew the ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the ultimate source of energy in the muscle.
Energy released from the ATP breakdown initiates muscle contraction – the individual active and myosin fibres start to move. However, ATP lasts only for a few seconds and it must be renew.
Supplementing with creatine improves the ATP renewal, which helps us to maintain intensity and recovery.
Intake of significant amounts of creatine from food is only possible by eating meat. However, cooking and food preparation can result in creatine loss in food. Given your daily requirement of creatine, consumption of meat and synthesis of creatine by your body may not provide enough to saturate the creatine storage.
If you want your body to perform at its maximum potential, especially during high-intensity efforts, you should assure that your creatine storage is maximized, which is why taking a creatine supplement is paramount.
This is additionally important for vegans and vegetarians, who will receive no creatine from meat.
Why You Need Protein
Protein is a macronutrient that forms the basic building blocks for your body to grow, recover and operate. Protein is absolutely essential for all humans, and getting the right amount is especially important for people that love fitness and care about their health.
Find out How to Build Muscle as a Hard Gainer
Let’s get more scientific with a little help from the Oxford World Dictionary.
“Protein: Any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies.”
Proteins are “King” when it comes to muscle growth and recovery.
These nutrients, once in the body, are digested into amino acids that become the building blocks of your lean mass.
During your workout, the cells in your muscles are subjected to higher stress than they normally are, among them, the significant release of lactic acid which occurs in exercise. This leads to the athlete having to recover a part of the ‘damaged’ cells, while also replacing some of the old cells with new ones, in the growth of which protein synthesis is vital.
Protein consumed after exercise assists in the repair and synthesis of muscle proteins, and as such, is vital to the recovery process.
The repair of these cells makes our muscles bigger and stronger. Most of us could benefit from increasing our intake of lean protein through the effective planning and preparation of our nutrition plans.
Heavy resistance exercise, such as muscle building workouts or strength training, increases the rates of both protein synthesis and breakdown in muscle for at least 24 hours after a workout.
DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is an infamous feeling I am sure that you are already familiar with. If an athlete’s nutrition plan has an inadequate level of protein, then breakdown will exceed synthesis, resulting in the loss of muscle mass.
- Aiding in the repair of exercise-induced damage to muscle fibres
- Promoting training-induced adaptations in muscle fibres (e.g., synthesis of new proteins that are involved in energy production and/or force generation)
- Facilitating the replenishment of depleted energy stores
Optimise your protein intake