The Smartest Way To Use Protein To Build Muscle


What is the smartest way to use protein to build muscle? Does it vary from person to person depending on gender, physical activity, age, and who knows what else? Find out.

If you want to build muscle you need to properly fuel your body. Protein is the macronutrient responsible for muscle growth so you want to make sure you eat enough protein to increase your muscle mass. But how much is enough, and is there too much protein? Jeff Nippard decided to jump into the discussion.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. His video tries to answer once and for all what is the smartest way to use protein to build muscle.

The Smartest Way To Use Protein To Build Muscle

As usual, Nippard relies heavily on studies to present his arguments. First and foremost, he explains that the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends 0.8 grams per kilo of body weight or 0.36 grams per pound.

In this case, an 80-kilo (180lb) person would need around 65 grams of protein per day.

That sounds easy enough, but this recommendation from WHO does not consider weight training, which is why you landed on this page in the first place.

Source: Scott Webb / Pexels

How much protein you need depends if you are bulking, cutting, or in recomp phase. The varying numbers are appropriate for men and women.


  •  1.6-2.2 grams per kilo bodyweight
  • 0.7-1 gram per pound bodyweight


  • 1.8-2.7 grams per kilo bodyweight
  • 0.8-1.2 gram per pound bodyweight


  • 1.6-2.2 grams per kilo bodyweight
  • 0.7-1 gram per pound bodyweight

Jeff Nippard goes on his video to explain how much protein you can absorb (use) per meal. “Protein intake per meal is less important than protein intake per day,” he says, however you should try to spread out your protein intake in all your meals.

He also exemplifies the highest quality protein you can get from. Protein supplements come out on top with whey protein being the best. Traditionally, animal products are better when it comes to providing protein – chicken and whole eggs are great.

The Smartest Way To Use Protein To Build Muscle

Read More: How to Use Creatine to Build Muscle Faster

Source link: by Robert Born at